Myles has spent nearly a decade helping high-achieving leaders, founders, and creatives grow their businesses; align their work and life with their highest purpose; optimize their performance to produce game-changing results; learn the tools needed to process their most difficult emotions and problems; and step into living their “best life” on a daily basis.
Whether it’s in your relationships, career, business, or creative practice, this coaching session is an opportunity for you to get help:
💡 Clarifying the deepest desires of your heart that are most aligned with who you truly are…
💡 Identifying the unconscious blocks that might be getting in the way of you actualizing your life vision, and…
💡 Prioritizing the highest impact, paradigm-shifting interventions that will give you the most mileage for the least effort.
Every person he has spent spent this time with has some Aha! Moment that helps them move towards their goals and create what they want in faster and more fulfilling ways.
If you would like to take advantage of this and get a little extra help, book a session now!